Many years ago, I saw Rich Little taping a TV special in Las Vegas. During a break, he came over to the table where I was seated and chatted with us. One of the women seated next to me noticed a ring on his finger with a huge stone and asked what it was. I jumped in with, “He’s an impersonator, so it must be an imitation.” My table mates laughed heartily. Mr. Little looked at me with the most deadpan of expressions and slowly responded, “That’s very funny.”
Many years ago, I saw Rich Little taping a TV special in Las Vegas. During a break, he came over to the table where I was seated and chatted with us. One of the women seated next to me noticed a ring on his finger with a huge stone and asked what it was. I jumped in with, “He’s an impersonator, so it must be an imitation.” My table mates laughed heartily. Mr. Little looked at me with the most deadpan of expressions and slowly responded, “That’s very funny.”